Our 2019 summer concert was held on Saturday 22nd June 2019 7:00 pm, at Christ Church, West Temple Sheen, SW14 7RT. Thank you to all who came, and for your kind feedback. We hope you enjoyed the World Premiere performance of Simon Renton’s arrangement of Dido’s Lament, the fantastic performances of our soloists, Paul and Joanne, and the majestic Puccini with 13-piece orchestra. Immense thanks to Derek Saunders for conducting at short notice.
Puccini: Messa di Gloria; a selection of opera arias and choruses
Musical Director: Chris Stokes
Guest Conductor: Derek Saunders
Piano: Robert Bridge
Soloists: Joanne Whalley (Soprano) & Paul Blundell (Baritone)
Orchestral accompaniment
Two versions of Questo e’il cielo di contenti from Alcina by Handel.
- (i) Presto
- (ii) Larghetto
When I am Laid in Earth from Dido and Aeneas by Purcell, arranged by Simon Renton
Voyagers’ Chorus from Idomeneo by Mozart
Three Gounod duets for Soprano and Baritone
Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves from Nabucco by Verdi
Puccini: Messa di Gloria